home Lynn Camp Middle High - NTI Day 1 11th Grade – AP Chemistry – Jonathan Stephens

11th Grade – AP Chemistry – Jonathan Stephens

Today’s Assignment

In this lesson, students will be learning about the important chemical concept of stoichiometry. This is in alignment with the 2019 AP Chemistry Course and Exam Description for Topic 4.5 “Stoichiometry”.
The total amount of time for this lesson is approximately 60 minutes. When you factor in the regular amount of homework time for this AP course (about 20 – 30 minutes), it may total around 80 minutes of work for the class.

Part I: Students are to copy down on paper all information found in the blue box for Topic 4.5 Stoichiometry from the Course and Exam Description.

Part II: Using the Khan Academy links provided in Google Classroom, students are to read the article about stoichiometry then i.) write a 5 – 6 sentence summary of stoichiometry/how it is used and 2.) Write out the 3-step process as described in the article. Students are encouraged to make this into a schematic of sorts for them to use as a reference.

Part III: Using the Khan Academy links provided in Google Classroom, students are to watch the videos and copy down the examples. They are to then complete the practice problems under “Practice: Ideal Stoichiometry”.

Website Links (if any) you may need:

classroom.google.com, www.khanacademy.com

Files (if any) that you may need to download:


Need Help?

If you need to reach a teacher for help about this assignment please email:jonathan.stephens@knox.kyschools.us