home Lynn Camp Middle High - NTI Day 3 7th Grade – Mathematics – David Smith Jon Dean

7th Grade – Mathematics – David Smith Jon Dean

Today’s Assignment

Day three’s lesson will be assigned in Google Classroom the morning of NTI day #3. If needed the students can log into the given website directly by using their school email and password Lcmhs1234 . The assignment can be found in Unit 4, Lesson 3. It will begin with a video that the students will view titled, “How Do You Use the Associative Property?” They will watch a second video called “What is Simplest Form?”. Once they have completed the review videos, they will have a 10 question Practice and Problem Solving assignment that I expect to take the average student 20 minutes to complete. This assignment has features that allow the students to get assistance with each question by getting hints, examples, or watching additional videos. Once they have received an acceptable grade on the Practice and Problem Solving, the students will take a 5 question quiz expected to take them 15 minutes maximum. The key concept for today’s lesson will be, ‘You can use properties of operations to write equivalent expressions.’ The I can statement for this lesson is ‘I can use properties of operations to simplify expressions’. Covering standard 7.EE.A.1. Feel free to email me with any questions.

Website Links (if any) you may need:


Files (if any) that you may need to download:

Need Help?

If you need to reach a teacher for help about this assignment please email: david.smith@knox.kyschools.us