home Knox Central High - NTI Day 8 11th Grade – English Language Arts – Christina M. Bentley

11th Grade – English Language Arts – Christina M. Bentley

Today’s Assignment

Read “Coloring the Picture”
Imagine this is the short story you received for peer review in this unit. Answer the following questions. You may notice that grammar and mechanics are addressed in the questions, but it is not your job to “fix” the story. If you see lots of surface errors, tell the author! Be a good editor and tell them they need to work on starting sentences with a capital letter, for instance. Tell them they need to start a new paragraph each time a new speaker appears in a dialog. Tell them they need to reread paragraph 4 because you can’t make sense of it! Don’t be mean, but don’t be too nice either. (“I loved it!” is not a helpful response.) And have confidence in your own responses! Do not assume that because you struggled with something you are “too dumb to get it.” In this moment, you are The Reader, and if The Reader doesn’t get something, The Writer needs to know. Let The Writer decide if he or she wants to reject part of your assessment. That’s The Writer’s prerogative. Be bold, be clear, be honest, and be thorough. I am attaching both a .pdf version and a .docx version of the questions only for your convenience. You may use your own paper to answer the questions, print and fill in the .pdf or type directly into the .doc file. Your choice.

Website Links (if any) you may need:

Files (if any) that you may need to download:

drive.google.com/open?id=1Eg4UH1OUwFRhwYbTpzIs7Cd7LM00KDdE, drive.google.com/open?id=1kBiK5TbRuN2UwdMAdL2eleXUvndGo5Kc, drive.google.com/open?id=1ZsHXPoL8KxQSHcQIUJRuEsrHSbQ1nDd0, drive.google.com/open?id=1Be5jKZShGBZdwzI7HSEGp6e10TUDZMQf

Need Help?

If you need to reach a teacher for help about this assignment please email: christina.bentley@knox.kyschools.us