home Jesse D Lay Elementary – NTI Day 4 4th Grade – English Language Arts – Cathy Davis

4th Grade – English Language Arts – Cathy Davis

Today’s Assignment

Students will work at their level on Iready, MyOn, or self-selected reader for 20 minutes. They will focus on comprehension, fluency and use of good reader skills. They will then write a summary of the main idea citing key details or relevant evidence from their story. (RL.4.1; RL.4.3; RL.4.5; RL.4.6) Students should access Iready or Myon through their clever log in. Go to the district website (www2.knoxkyschools.com), click on students, then scroll down and click on clever login. Their student number is the user name. The password is their birthdate (month/day/year). Students may print off the attached worksheet or use notebook paper to write their summary on.

Website Links (if any) you may need:


Files (if any) that you may need to download:


Need Help?

If you need to reach a teacher for help about this assignment please email: catherine.davis@knox.kyschools.us