home G.R. Hampton Elementary - NTI Day 5 2nd Grade – All Subjects – Dorothy Warren

2nd Grade – All Subjects – Dorothy Warren

Today’s Assignment

Reading/Language Arts-Students will be working on main topic, key details, and fluency. Students will also use text features to answer questions. Working with words students will be working with words that have the soft “c” and soft “g” as well as determining the new meaning to a word when a prefix is added to the word. Vocabulary strategy- students will determine the meaning of a word when a suffix is added to the word. Math-students will add and subtract two 2-digit numbers using regrouping. Students will also solve addition and subtraction word problems. Writing-students will write a story about an animal that he/she has seen in the park or zoo.

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Need Help?

If you need to reach a teacher for help about this assignment please email: dorothy.warren@knox.kyschools.us