home G.R. Hampton Elementary - NTI Day 5 5th Grade – English Language Arts – Lori McKeehan Mary Ella Shields

5th Grade – English Language Arts – Lori McKeehan Mary Ella Shields

Today’s Assignment

You will login to Flocabulary (do not login through Clever) and complete the poetry assignment. You have been assigned the read and respond and the quiz. Make sure that you watch the video before you attempt to complete any other parts of the assignment. Remember that you must score 70% or higher to receive credit for the assignment.
For students receiving accommodations: Accommodations of a Reader may be provided by any person capable of reading the NTI assignment content. If no one is available to read to the student, special education teacher may be reached by email at mary.shields@knox.kyschools.us.
Accommodations of a Scribe on NTI assignments may be provided by any person capable of writing longer than five sentences. If no one is available to scribe for the student, the student will answer in less than five sentences. Typed answers are acceptable.

Website Links (if any) you may need:


Files (if any) that you may need to download:

Need Help?

If you need to reach a teacher for help about this assignment please email: lori.mckeehan@knox.kyschools.us