home Knox County Middle - NTI Day 7 8th Grade – English Language Arts – Brittany Irvin

8th Grade – English Language Arts – Brittany Irvin

Today’s Assignment

Find the assignment on Flocabulary called Tone and Mood. Watch the video, complete the vocabulary cards, the vocabulary game, the read and respond, and the quiz.
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including but not limited to analogies or allusions to other texts. R.L. 8.4

I can determine the tone of the text by analyzing the author’s attitude.
I can determine the mood of the text by the words used to create the feeling or emotion.

Every text has a tone. You just need to know what clues to look for to find it. In this lesson, students will learn what tone is, how it’s different from mood and how to analyze a text’s word choice and word connotations to infer the author’s or speaker’s tone.

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Need Help?

If you need to reach a teacher for help about this assignment please email: brittany.irvin@knox.kyschools.us