home Lynn Camp Elementary - NTI Day 8 2nd Grade – Science – Miranda Frost Barbara Bruce Karen Lewis Jenny Iley

2nd Grade – Science – Miranda Frost Barbara Bruce Karen Lewis Jenny Iley

Today’s Assignment

Dear Families,
We are pleased to announce that Knox County Schools will be participating in Operation Snow school this year. Not all snow days are an Operation Snow School dates. Knox County Schools, along with Lynn Camp Schools, will notify the family of days that are considered an Operation Snow school date Twitter, One-Call, TV, Radio, and the Knox County Website (www.knoxkyschools.com).

In the event that a day is designated an Operation Snow School day, students will have work to complete at home. These activities and assignments will need to be completed and returned to school within 5 school days and students will receive a grade on this work. These days will each be counted as a school day that does not have to be made up if work is returned to school promptly.

Your child will have a math and a reading/ language arts assignment for each day. Your child also needs to read at least 15 minutes per night and fill out the regular nightly reading log. If you and your child prefer, they can choose to do online learning in place of either their math or reading/language arts for that day. The approved websites are listed on the attached online learning ticket and there is a place for the activity and time on the site. Remember all work must be turned in within 5 days to receive credit.

If you have any questions that need answered about Operation Snow School, or your child needs assistance on a designated Operation Snow School (NTI) Day, all 2nd grade teachers will be available and can be reached through Class Dojo and email. You can also call the school by phone (523-1814) and they will relay your message to your child’s teacher, who will contact you.

Thank you for all you do!

Lynn Camp Elementary Second Grade Teachers


Website Links (if any) you may need:

Files (if any) that you may need to download:


Need Help?

If you need to reach a teacher for help about this assignment please email: miranda.frost@knox.kyschools.us