home knox-central-high-nti-day-10 9th Grade – Science – Jason Smith

9th Grade – Science – Jason Smith

Today’s Assignment

Form this point on: Mr. Smith’s students should join google classroom code: ” sjfwpbi ” and turn in all work electronically inside the google classroom platform.
To receive credit for the NTI and emergency break days, students should complete each assignment posted within the online classroom. Students should complete the NOTE TAKING GUIDE with Google Docs word processor and submit an electronic file to each assignment as the week progresses being mindful to pay attention of the assigned due dates. There should be a simple video with a short assignment for each day. Diagrams and drawing should be copied and pasted from google images.

The students should already be similar with the Note Taking Guides and video lessons, as they will be similar to what has already been used this year. What’s different is that it has been moved to an electronic class format. Students should use the “Turn In” button and upload files from google drive to receive credit. Note: No work will be assigned the week of the original spring break.

Website Links (if any) you may need:

Files (if any) that you may need to download:

Need Help?

If you need to reach a teacher for help about this assignment please email: jason.smith4@knox.kyschools.us